
Hero offers personalised wellness packages to the corporate sector, and were about to launch the first of their ‘Performance hub’ spaces for individuals too. Based on real human insight, it’s a unique product – it’s holistic, highly personal, sophisticated stuff. However, their branding was pretty basic. How could we bring this brand to life in a more compelling way?

Provocative thought

Hero isn’t just a gym membership, it isn’t just yoga classes – it’s about understanding what you, as an individual, need for your overall wellbeing and giving you access to it. So, let’s use this to stand apart from the standard wellness sector by taking a more serene, yet assured stance.


We gave them a more confident visual identity and tone of voice, based around a new proposition of “Balanced Energy” – setting them up as a challenger brand and representing the breath of fresh air that they are. We rolled out the new identity across master and sub-brand architecture for website, online comms, and their ‘hub’ physical spaces.

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To find out how Dinosaur could help you get great results, phone Nicola on
0161 831 0831
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