The Gym Group revolutionised the sector when it launched its first low-cost gym in the UK, offering affordable access to fitness without onerous contracts or commitments. By 2014, the sector had become highly competitive & crowded with copycats. How could The Gym Group retain its leadership position in an increasingly homogenised space?

Provocative Thought
Avoid the typical gym clichés about impossibly chiseled bodies and appeal to real people with real, achievable fitness goals.

We developed a new positioning that focused less on structural benefits and more on The Gym as place for everyone, regardless of their goals or stages of advancement. The new “Find Your Fit“ strapline was accompanied by a refreshed brand identity and a recommitment by The Gym to celebrate the fitness goals of real people who can, finally, find a gym that fits them and helps them achieve these goals in an inclusive, accessible and supportive environment. The first phase of the integrated brand campaign launched nationwide in January 2015.

52% rise
in Gym members 2014-17
61.5% rise
in revenue 2014-17
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