
The management team at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at The University of Manchester were completely reorganising their teaching, learning and student experiences into a single, simplified framework. It would allow more headspace for the academics, more support for the students and foster a world class environment for the next generation of scientists. The problem was the academics, whose engagement would be key to the success of this new “Teaching College” concept, felt they had seen it all before.

Provocative Thought

To our expert academics, yet another ‘initiative’ smelled of even more paperwork and teaching when, in truth, they’d rather be working on their research. We needed to draw a clear line in the sand between the old and new – and prove that this change would be better for the students, the university and them.


Steering clear of typical ‘science and engineering’ or corporate styling, we introduced The Next Chapter in four clear themes across interactive, briefing packs and giveaways. Full of energy and change, our work showed how it would help the academics achieve teaching excellence; collaborate better with industry; attract the very best candidates from all walks of life and, create more time for researching what they love.

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