Five tips for buying fewer, better, ads

How to use data to drive creative campaign effectiveness


1. Don’t shout louder, listen and understand

With the Facebook/Google duopoly serving 40 billion ads a day, there is always a lot of competing noise. Trying to make yourself heard by buying ever more ad space won’t work. Create emotional relevance instead. Social listening, audience signals and behavioural insights form a powerful toolkit for showing us how people feel and behave. Use that to address customers’ emotional needs.

2. Build emotional relevance

When are people most likely to be in a receptive frame of mind for your messages? How can we reach them at exactly the right moment with the perfect message?
Target your messaging, execution and delivery for emotional relevance, not just demographics. That requires tight integration between creative and media strategies at every stage from concept to delivery. 

3. Do the right amount of performance marketing

Rational cost, features and benefits promotions are crucial to last-click conversion. Even so, keep in mind Binet and Field’s recommendations that budgets be split 60% on brand activity and 40% on performance/response. Once your conversion journey is optimised and slick, ever greater investment will become less effective and increase your cost per acquisition (CPA) whilst taking money away from long term investment in the brand.

4. Use brand-response

As Burger King showed when they used geo-tagging technology to offer consumers a Whopper for 1 cent (but only when they are standing in McDonalds), conversion marketing can also build brands. Creative conversion-focused ads that echo the brand personality are highly effective at driving sales, even as part of a brand campaign. We’ve written more about integrating brand and performance marketing, here

5. Don’t be boring

“You can’t bore people into buying your product…
… Unless it’s a conversion-focused response ad, in which case be dull as you like” as Ogilvy never said.

To read the full piece, click here: Data + Creativity = Profit



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